Coaches Corner

League Forms

Completed forms can be turned in via email or in-person at the front desk during operating hours to the sports director. Forms must be filled out entirely to be accepted (this includes team roster forms).

Sports Director – Channing Starks


Playing Rules

For a complete guide to our playing rules, download your desired sports rules below.

Questions? Please contact our sports director, Channing Starks

Coaches Info

Welcome Basketball Coaches!

Thank you for volunteering your time to coach our youth athletes at FieldhouseUSA. We appreciate your time and the benefit you provide. Please use this information to assist with any questions you might have regarding the basketball league. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to the sports director, Channing Starks at

Fall Coaches Meeting Notes

Please download and review the upcoming coaches meeting notes PDF. If you have any questions, please contact the sports director, Channing Starks

Download Coaches Meeting Notes

Fall Coaches Packet

Coaches, as a special ‘thank you’ for taking the time to volunteer to coach our youth athletes, please enjoy these special offers from our proud sponsors.

Coaches Packet

Coaches Info

Welcome Volleyball Coaches!

Thank you for volunteering your time to coach our youth athletes at FieldhouseUSA. We appreciate your time and the benefit you provide. Please use this information to assist with any questions you might have regarding the volleyball league. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to the sports director, Channing Starks .

Fall Coaches Meeting Notes

Please download and review the upcoming coaches meeting PowerPoint. If you have any questions, please contact the sports director, Channing Starks

Download Coaches Meeting Notes

Fall Coaches Packet

Coaches, as a special ‘thank you’ for taking the time to volunteer to coach our youth athletes, please enjoy these special offers from our proud sponsors.

Coaches Packet

Teams Receiving Unassigned Players

Teams receiving players from unassigned player pool:

  • CANNOT require any coaching/additional fees for players added to roster from unassigned player pool.
  • Any additional practice time that is offered for the team CANNOT be required of players to attend, nor can these players be punished for not attending, such as playing time in games. It must be clearly stated that any additional practice time is optional for player
  • Jerseys CANNOT cost more than $50. If your uniforms for your organization/team cost more than $50 you will need to find an alternate option for these players to purchase for the season.
    • If you choose to offer a jersey rental option for these players, jersey rental payments should not exceed $25 per season to rent jerseys.
  • Unassigned pool players cannot be removed or kicked off a team by the coach/manager. This right is reserved by FieldhouseUSA ONLY. Players must always receive the minimum required playing time each game set by FieldhouseUSA age/grade requirements.

If you, as a coach/manager of a team, CANNOT adhere to the above guidelines for players being added to your team(s), we will no longer add players to your rosters in future seasons. Additionally, any team(s) that you choose to register with us in the future will be required to pay the full team fee upfront & we will no longer accept individual registration/team code registration from your team(s). Coaches and managers will be held responsible and must abide by the above-mentioned rules. Any coach or manager who does not comply with these rules will be subject to formal reprimand (s), probation(s) and/or harsher punishments.

If players that we add to your roster continue to play with your team(s)/organization in future season(s), you will need to be up front with these players/parents that there are additional fees to playing on the team.